This painting can also be found in poem form in the poetry collection
"The Spaces We Inhabit"
(Print ISBN: 978-0-6450777-4-2; Ebook ISBN: 978-0-6450777-5-9) by Colin Read || Reade Collins (yours' truly)
"The Spaces We Inhabit"
(Print ISBN: 978-0-6450777-4-2; Ebook ISBN: 978-0-6450777-5-9) by Colin Read || Reade Collins (yours' truly)
An excerpt:
A digitised painting telling the story of colonisation in Australia - 3850x2072x300ppi.
This painting can also be found in poem form in the poetry collection
"The Spaces We Inhabit"
(Print ISBN: 978-0-6450777-4-2; Ebook ISBN: 978-0-6450777-5-9) by Colin Read || Reade Collins (yours' truly)
"The Spaces We Inhabit"
(Print ISBN: 978-0-6450777-4-2; Ebook ISBN: 978-0-6450777-5-9) by Colin Read || Reade Collins (yours' truly)

"Part 1: Topographic Gradients"
- Pericopes 1 to 7 -
- Pericopes 1 to 7 -
The complete “Topographic Gradients” video work has been divided up into 7 separate pericopes and has a total running time of 7hours, 19minutes and 58seconds, with 29 iterations of the poem on which the video work is based.
The poem is published in the poetry collection, “The Spaces We Inhabit”, Colin Read / Reade Collins (both pseudonyms of rubytuesday) ©2020, ISBN 978-0-6450777-4-2.
It documents a full pixel by pixel scan cycle of the painting embedded in the work.
Shown here is a preview only.
Purchase will unlock whichever pericope you buy.
Purchase will unlock whichever pericope you buy.
The full original was exported to video form from a processing language project (processing.org).

This is the original text which gave rise to the video version of the same title which is published in the poetry collection, “The Spaces We Inhabit”, Colin Read / Reade Collins (both pseudonyms of rubytuesday) ©2020, ISBN 978-0-6450777-4-2.
Note that the tokenised versions have an error in the NFTshowroom.com gallery title, where they are incorrectly listed as "Part 2 - Topographic Gradients - TEXT". This does not effect the actual tokenised editions.
png file, 28.0MB, 7290 x 9720px, 720ppi
This is the video version of the poem, “Ghosts of Our History” which is published in the poetry collection “The Spaces We Inhabit”, by Colin Read / Reade Collins (both pseudonyms of rubytuesday) ©2020, ISBN 978-0-6450777-4-2.<br/>
The original vision was initially programmed in Processing language (http://processing.org) then exported and further developed in Vegas video editor.
A 5minute preview only is shown here.
mp4 file, 994MB, 1920 x 1080px, 5minutes, 25.00fps

This is the original text which gave rise to the video version of the same title which is published in the poetry collection, “The Spaces We Inhabit”, Colin Read / Reade Collins (both pseudonyms of rubytuesday) ©2020, ISBN 978-0-6450777-4-2.
png file, 29.9MB, 8100 x 10800px, 762ppi